GitHub CoPilot Adds New AI Assistant

Microsoft-owned GitHub is overhauling its Copilot system today to integrate OpenAI’s GPT-4 model and bring chat and voice support to its AI pair programmer. GitHub Copilot is getting a giant upgrade, as part of an overarching “Copilot X” vision, that … Read more

Stanford Puts Alpaca Back In Its Pen

As reported by The Register, Stanford has taken its Large Language Model, Alpaca, offline.  Alpaca is based on Meta’s LLaMa framework, and was reportedly trained for as little as $600! Unfortunately, researchers found Alpaca was having significant issues with AI … Read more

The Old Timers: Before ChatGPT

If you’re interested in conversational AI, you’ve probably heard of ChatGPT. It’s one of the most advanced chatbots out there, capable of generating natural, human-like responses to a wide range of prompts. But how does it stack up against other … Read more