Linking For Now

We have a whole backlog of useful stories that have passed by because I have been busy on other projects. There is so much happening in AI, it’s hard to slow down and take time to document and talk about ...

By Daniel Detlaf

One-man flea circus, writer, sci-fi nerd, news junkie and AI tinkerer.

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We have a whole backlog of useful stories that have passed by because I have been busy on other projects. There is so much happening in AI, it’s hard to slow down and take time to document and talk about what is happening!

In order to at least get the basic AI news out, I’m going to switch to simply posting links to the interesting stories I see for the time being. All the links will be public access. Logging my web activity. Blogging, if you will.  😂

I’m going to dump a bunch of links today from the past several weeks, sifting through the pile and hopefully removing any that are no longer of interest because developments have already moved past them. As I said, there is so much happening in AI!

