Hugging Face

Hugging Face is research company that makes tools for training and using Large Language Models (LLMs), most notably the “Transformers” library widely used in working with open-source models.

The Hugging Face website is a hub for open-source models and datasets of all kinds. There are tons of models available for text generation, image generation, audio and video processing, and a whole host of other machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) tasks.

Beyond being a hub for open-source AI, Hugging Face is the center of community for people interested in running models locally on their own hardware. This is usually accomplished through the use of quantization, a technique for decreasing the computing resources needed to load and run a model. Community member Tom Jobbins a.k.a. “TheBloke” is something of a folk hero for the large number of models he has quantized for people to experiment with.